Product Details for Material from Vishay - SM8S33AHE3/2D - Vishay SM8S33AHE3/2D

SM8S33AHE3/2D Vishay Vishay SM8S33AHE3/2D

Part Nnumber
Vishay SM8S33AHE3/2D
Basic price
6,18 EUR

The product with part number SM8S33AHE3/2D (Vishay SM8S33AHE3/2D) is from company Vishay and distributed with basic unit price 6,18 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Technical data Type SM8S33AHE3/2D Manufacturer Vishay Manuf. Code VIS 33 V 36.7 V 59 V 112 A 6.6 kW Max. power 6.6 kW Channels 1 No Mounting type Surface-mount Series Technique automobile/AEC-Q101, PAR® Max. operating temperature +175 °C Operating temperature (min.) -55 °C Category TVS diode

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